$5000 freeroll.........

5000 freeroll
pays 300 places


  • Mr. Moderator
    Can we start a spot for free rolls?
  • I would think it would fit into online poker talk, no?
  • where is that?
    I thought maybe a spot under poker forum for freerolls only :smile:
  • wsop freeroll on 365 registering in 20 mins
    i am already out of the 5000 :(
  • Is anyone gonna play this?
    If so what is your name?
    I am WPTgirl
  • take a deep breath....inhale.............................................and exhale
  • LOL does that mean I am yapping too much........teehee :tongue:
  • Finished 393 outta 5963
  • im still in, but on life support, name daman519

    173/203 at second break.

    cold cards for the last hour. not one pp, aks was best hand, and just got some limpers from that.

    imout, worst cards EVER, cant wait to export it. i figure at least 150 hands straight with no pp

    finished 144

    arrgggh, what a waste of time. heh
  • I know it feels like a waste of time but it was fun right?
    and good experience plus the extra nice thing...................frrrrrrrreeeeeeee! :tongue:
  • WPTgirl wrote:
    I know it feels like a waste of time but it was fun right?
    and good experience plus the extra nice thing...................frrrrrrrreeeeeeee! :tongue:

    fun? playing 2+ hrs and beating 5k people and getting diddly squat fun? heh, i think we have different definitions of fun. :)

    i hate freerolls usually. but this one was special, so had to try it. Just makes me hate them even more now. :)

    190 hands, 6 pp, 99 4 times (included twice in a row), jj (hit a set, only real big pot i won), and kk once.
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