Can someone run this equity for me?
I'm not at home...can someone run this?
1/2 NLH
Vilian blind raises 20 with 176 behind
Hero flats 44 no club
1 other player flats and folds every time hero calls the flop
Villian shoves all flops
Flop A77cc
Equity vs atc?
1/2 NLH
Vilian blind raises 20 with 176 behind
Hero flats 44 no club
1 other player flats and folds every time hero calls the flop
Villian shoves all flops
Flop A77cc
Equity vs atc?
1,070,190 games 0.078 secs 13,720,384 games/sec
Board: Ac 7c 7s
equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 52.282% 48.97% 03.31% 524048 35467.00 { 4d4h }
Hand 1: 47.718% 44.40% 03.31% 475208 35467.00 { random }
edit: also i don't know what im missing but in some way its gonna be the same as 44 vs a random pre because hes not looking at the if you don't look you can snap call.....
not sure what im missing but theres something there ???
and with the pot odds...
Thanks, thought it was a flip...although I can pretty well take out all aces and 7s from his range given what I know of it again sir?
Sick read...yes, it was him:
Ringo Chicken Dance - YouTube
And I stacked him twice in an hour or so...have to love aipf in a cash game for 120ish bb KQ>QJ.
He does look at the flop and when he is playing like this he shoves (imo) all non ace and non 7 hands. I just wanted to know a range vs all hands, I am a bit better than a flip when I exclude those hands in his range.
Also, I want his action later and there are regs at the table so a call here helps with metagame, etc. win or lose.
Not any flop, but most flops imo (see above). I assume that the paired 7s decrease my equity as an ace gives him a high card win quite often and any non-2/3/4 turn gives him even more outs for a high card win...I could be wrong.
If anyone can run the same stats for lets say an A6Tcc flop I'd like to see if it changes much.
OP noted Villian shoves all flops so you expect a paired flop is actually to your advantage vs 3 overs. I know a couple players like this guy in T.O. You can make a lot of money against them, but they do hit once in a while. But eventually you get your money back on later hands if they happen to hit.
That's pretty cool. I think there was some type of quantum physics happening for me in your post but then I lost it.
edit: phantom odds...
fold preflop.. you not getting the right odds to call to set mine... unless of course you're shoving rag flops etc.......
Board: Ac 7c 7s
equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 52.282% 48.97% 03.31% 524048 35467.00 { 4d4h }
Hand 1: 47.718% 44.40% 03.31% 475208 35467.00 { random }
Hand 0: 44.845% 42.03% 02.82% 177242 11887.50 { 4d4h }
Hand 1: 55.155% 52.34% 02.82% 220723 11887.50 { 22+, A2s+, K2s+, Q2s+, J2s+, T2s+, 92s+, 82s+, 72s+, 62s+, 52s+, 42s+, 32s, ATo+, KTo+, QTo+, JTo }
Reading comprehsion ftw.
Welcome back fed
my bad.... you're a 1/2 live player....... you must think youre god. Im doing it wrong I see why. LOLOL
making friends, where ever he goes